Photo Credit: | Cybersecurity has been a hot topic within the past few years. With the growing number of security breaches, companies are finding the best ways to secure their network through various types of administrative and technical controls. Yet, some organizations tend to overlook the importance of proper security awareness training being provided to their employees, especially specific training provided to the Board of Directors (“Board”). Read Full |
Photo Credit: Titima Ongkantong / | During the current pandemic of COVID-19, professionals around the world are connecting remotely onto their organization’s networks. In the mind of a cybercriminal, now is the perfect opportunity to perform malicious attacks on organizations and their employees. To prepare your institution for the challenges that lie ahead, a few of the most popular cyber-attacks and risks are presented below along with the proper controls and procedures that can be put in place to mitigate such. Read Full |
Jasper Zabala, CISA
Manager, Information Technology & Cybersecurity Audit Team
Jasper Zabala manages and conducts complex and thorough reviews of information technology and cybersecurity controls, disaster recovery and business continuity procedures, server room and physical security controls, internet/mobile banking processes, and core and network access controls. He also performs internal and external vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, social engineering testing and other IT/Cybersecurity risk management services for the Firm’s clients. Additionally, he has developed new processes for testing IT and Operational internal controls to align with SOX/FDICIA and the COSO framework. Mr. Zabala is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) with a B.A. in Information Technology and Informatics from Rutgers University. He has been with the firm since 2015 and previously served as an IT consultant.
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